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Great Ideas for Getting in Shape

#783289 AndrewIncem
Too often, people are passive about their fitness goals. They may not know where to start, or may lack the motivation to actually begin. It's best to have fun with it. Included are some tips to get you moving. Play some tunes while you exercise. All cultures enjoy music. It speaks to us at a basic level, and the right music can be an excellent addition to your exercise regime. When you exercise to music and move your body, then it's like dancing, and you don't feel like it's a workout. You will forget about any aches and pains and carry on working out for a little while longer. Find a few friends who are motivated to work out with you. Make sure to be considerate of their plans when scheduling a work out. If you have friends to chat with while exercising, you will be amazed at how quickly it goes by. It allows you to focus on the pleasant company you are with rather than on your body. In addition, it is an excellent way to socialize when you don't have a lot of time. When you exercise with friends, your workout will be very enjoyable. With a good distraction, you can give your exercise routines the illusion of sped-up time. Exercise video games will do just that. There are many different types of workout games. Maybe you like bowling but don't feel like leaving the house, or maybe you have always wanted to row a boat but there are no ponds nearby. Maybe you would have fun practicing your boxing skills? No matter what kind of exercise it is, fitness video games can help distract you from thinking too much about your body's fatigue. To increase your motivation when working out, choose an outfit that you like and feel good in. Though you might consider exercise clothes to be less attractive than other types of garments, lots of choices are now on the market. You might be amazed at the wide variety of designs that are available. This can be a great motivator for you to keep going when you can fit into that cute outfit you have been eying for a while. Monotony will sabotage your fitness plans so keep things interesting! It's crucial that you stay focused on your workout goals and find ways to remain motivated. Make the workout enjoyable by keeping it fresh, so you do not lose your interest. Maintaining interest is extremely important. If you quit, it makes it very difficult to restart. Rewards trigger the pleasure center of your brain and are a great way to keep you on track. Don't think that it needs to be an expensive treat; it can be as simple as your favorite snack or a clothing item that you've been wanting. As long as the reward is within reason and something that you want, it will serve as a source of encouragement. Keep your eye on the fitness prize and motivating yourself is key as you keep going. Exercising is typically seen as boring and difficult, but this is a misconception! There are plenty of ways to make it enjoyable. Try these tips to see that exercise can be fun to do!

vállalkozás - használjátok ki !!!!

#780829 rbbj11 Előzmény: #776629

Nem találom a kiírást, csak azt, h okt-re volt tervezve a pályázás újranyitása. Te tudsz vmit róla?

U.S. FDA approves first-ever implant to treat opioid addiction

#780768 CharlesLor
By Natalie Grover May 26 (Reuters) - The first-ever implant to fight addiction to opioids, a class of drugs that includes prescription painkillers and heroin, was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Thursday. The matchstick-sized implant, developed by Titan Pharmaceuticals Inc and privately owned Braeburn Pharmaceuticals, is by design less susceptible to abuse or the illicit resale that plagues existing oral therapies. Fewer than half of the estimated 2.2 million Americans who need treatment for opioid abuse are receiving help, according to the U.S. Centers for Human and Health Services (HHS). Currently, two drugs are predominantly used to treat opioid addiction - methadone, which is dispensed only in government-endorsed clinics, and the less-addictive buprenorphine, which exists as a pill or strip of film. While effective, a pill or film may be lost, forgotten or stolen. Evidence suggests that the use of these medicines as part of the overall treatment program are more effective than short-term detoxification programs aimed at abstinence, the FDA said on Thursday. The implant, Probuphine, administers buprenorphine for up to six months after users have been stabilized on the oral form of the drug, and is used along with behavioral therapy and recovery support. "I intend to make this the most successful implant that's ever been marketed ... and I think it's absolutely possible given the unmet need," Braeburn Chief Executive Behshad Sheldon said in an interview ahead of the FDA decision. However, some doctors are concerned that the implant may incentivise patients to rely solely on medication, and ignore the lifestyle changes they need to make. Braeburn estimated the U.S. market for opioid addiction treatments at about $2 billion, excluding methadone and Vivitrol, Alkermes Plc's treatment for the prevention of relapse after opioid detoxification. CEO Sheldon declined to specify a price for the implant on Thursday, but said it would be substantially cheaper than Vivitrol. "We are hoping that our first patient will have received the implant by the first day of summer or June 21," she added. The market for long-acting therapies such as Probuphine could be even larger if attempts to raise the limit on the number of opioid addicts a doctor can treat are successful. Under the current law, a doctor can treat only 30 opioid addicts within a year of obtaining a waiver, rising to a maximum 100 after procurement of a second waiver. The Congress and the HHS are working toward increasing this limit. Of particular interest is a proposal that exempts from the patient limit any treatment directly administered by a physician, such as an implant or injection. Probuphine's path to approval has not been smooth. In 2013, the FDA rejected the implant, saying it needed additional data. After the submission of new trial data, FDA staff in January raised reservations about possible complications from the insertion and removal of the implant. Data also showed that some users continued to need oral buprenorphine. Despite these concerns, an independent panel of experts to the FDA voted largely in favor of the treatment. Thursday's approval comes with a black box warning, the most severe issued by the FDA, highlighting the risk of implant migration, protrusion, expulsion and nerve damage resulting from the procedure. website Braeburn, in collaboration with Sweden's Camurus AB , also has a long-acting injectable buprenorphine formulation in late-stage development. Britain's Indivior Plc is also evaluating a similar injectable in a late-stage study. (Reporting by Natalie Grover in Bengaluru; Editing by Sriraj Kalluvila)

vállalkozás - használjátok ki !!!!

#776629 Ibiza

"Az előzetes információk alapján Őszre várható olyan kapacitásbővítő pályázati kiírás,amely önállóan támogatja az ingatlan beruházásokat.


A konstrukció kombinált, ami az alábbiakból áll össze:
1. vissza nem térítendő támogatás: 30%
2. támogatott hitel: 60%
3. és CSAK 10% önerő.

A vissza nem térítendő támogatás maximális összege: 50 millió Ft
A kamattámogatott hitel maximális összege: 100 millió Ft

Az építési engedély köteles beruházások kizárólag JOGERŐS ÉPÍTÉSI ENGEDÉLY birtokában adhatók be!

Területi korlát:
Nem nyújtható támogatás Közép-Magyarország régiójában megvalósuló projekteknek!"

Jack Ma, az …

#772221 Ibiza

Jack Ma, az alapítója (Kína leggazdagabb embere) mondta:

"Szegényeknek a legnehezebb szolgálatot tenni. Add ingyen, ők azt hiszik, csapda. Mondd nekik, hogy pici befektetés, azt felelik, keveset hoz. Mondd, hogy csináljuk nagyban, azt felelik, nincs pénzük. Mondd, hogy próbáljunk valami újat, azt felelik, nincs tapasztalatuk. Mondd, hogy tradicionális üzlet, azt felelik, túl nehéz. Mondd, hogy újfajta üzleti modell, azt felelik, MLM. Mondd, hogy nyissanak saját boltot, azt felelik, nincsenek lehetőségeik. Mondd, hogy kezdjenek új üzletbe, azt felelik, nem értenek hozzá.

Mindegyikükben van valami közös:

A Google-ban kutakodnak, a barátaikra hallgatnak, akik ugyanolyan reménytelenek, mint ők, többet agyalnak, mint egy egyetemi professzor és kevesebbet tesznek, mint egy vak ember.

Csak kérdezz rá, mit akarnak tenni. Nem fognak tudni válaszolni.

Ahelyett, hogy a szíved remegne gyorsabban, miért ne csinálj valamit gyorsabban, ahelyett, hogy csak agyalnál valamin, miért ne tégy valamit érte. A szegényekben egyvalami közös:

Egész életük a várakozásról szól."

Megküldték elektronikusa…

#769653 Margaretta

Megküldték elektronikusan a vállalkozásunk minősítését és végrehajtási eljárás miatt nem felelünk meg a megbízható adózói feltételeknek.

Írnom sem kell, nem volt végrehajtás tárgyév és megelőző öt évben.

Bosszant és le vannak szarva, nem akarom, hogy ezzel is sakkban tudjanak tartani.

Pedig de :(

Re: nincs cím

#758557 Ibiza Előzmény: #758542

nem tanuljátok meg.. https van akkor le kell vágni az s-t.. és akkor már rendes link lesz..