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Érdekes kérdés, hogy ha …

#880338 TrendMan

Érdekes kérdés, hogy ha nagy az inflációs nyomás, akkor miért stagnál továbbra is az arany árfolyama?

arany ETF - short :)

#877184 Koffein

"Az arany 1.812 dolláron stagnált ma reggel. Az legnagyobb arany ETF, az SPDR Gold által birtokolt arany mennyisége 1000 tonna alá esett a napokban. Az alapban tárolt arany utoljára 2012-ben volt ilyen alacsony szinten. A befektetők szerint ez azt mutatja, hogy a szereplők nem kívánnak aranyat tartani a Fed monetáris szűkítése előtt, amire várhatóan az év végéig kerül sor. Mások ugyanakkor azt emelik ki, hogy az alacsony bázis jelentős ár emelő hatású lehet, ha a pénzügyi befektetők ismét a nemesfém vásárlásába kezdenek."

... arany egyenlőre tovább fel ....

#873257 TrendMan Előzmény: #872307

Arany egyenlőre tovább fel:

Tart az emelkedés, a következő megakadás a legutóbbi nagyobb beadás szintjénél lehet valahol 1960 körül?

Figyelemreméltó, hogy ez amolyan 'antiszezonális' emelkedés.


#872170 TrendMan Előzmény: #871574


Átmenetileg ellentétesen mozognak az indexek és az arany.

Az utóbbi időben együtt emelkedtek általában.


#871574 TrendMan Előzmény: #870932

Úgy látom ez az emelkedés, lassú, megfontolt, makacs ...

Még kitarthat egy darabig.

Ráadásul ez nem az az évszak, ilyenkor inkább a másik irányba szokott menni ...


#870932 TrendMan Előzmény: #870602

Ez a makacs ellenállás 1740 körül már kitart egy ideje, most úgy néz ki lassan beveszi ezt a várat.

Amennyiben ez igaz, akkor innen egy komolyabb kitörésnek kellene következnie mondjuk 1890 felé ...

Egyenlőre még ????

ranger lett?

#870602 TrendMan

Ha érvényben lennének a korábbi szabályok, akkor itt most egy nagyobb elmozdulásnak kellene következnie ...

You should be wondering where to find Cheap WOW Classic Gold

#866404 willamqjw

Each wing of Torghast offers a different end boss, and these rotate from week to week. There are six in total, so it takes three weeks to cycle through all of the bosses. This is important, because some bosses specifically drop one Memory of the Runecarver or another that you might need for your best-in-slot Legendary item. The new expansion is certainly fun, but, players have not forgotten the World of Warcraft classic in their hands. They want to become stronger, and some people are looking for Cheap Classic WOW Gold. In fact, you don't need to worry. I recommend MMOWTS to you. They serve you online 24 hours a day, which can provide great convenience. There are the results you want. Their prices are cheaper for you than others, and they will have a good service attitude. In a pleasant transaction Get each other's needs. So why not Buy World of Warcraft Classic Gold at MMOWTS?

Tell you where I often buy WOW Classic Gold

#866403 willamqjw

To enter Torghast, you’ll need to do the introductory series of queststhat takes you to the Maw zone at level 60. There you’ll slowly befriendVe’nari, the Broker hiding out in the Maw. Complete her first series ofquests and she’ll open the portal to Torghast right in her area of the Maw, where you enter when you jump into the Maw from Oribos.You can Buy WOW Classic Gold at MMOWTS. While paying attention to patches and new expansion information, players have not forgotten the World of Warcraft classic in their hands. They want to become stronger, and some people are looking for Cheap WOW Classic Gold. In fact, you don't need to worry. I recommend MMOWTS to you. There are have Cheap WOW Classic Gold For Sale and the results you want. Their prices are cheaper for you than others, and they will have a good service attitude. In a pleasant transaction Get each other's needs.

I often Buy EVE Echoes ISK at MMOWTS

#866402 willamqjw

Even if you don’t want to spend any of your time mining asteroids don’t forget to keep your Planetary Production mines up and running. With planetary mining, you can set it and forget it just like Ron Popeil (I’m showing my age here). The timer maxes out at 24 hours but even if you forget to log in to reset the timer your product doesn’t disappear. Then, once you are ready to collect all you have to do is launch your goods into orbit and make a quick flyby to pick them up for a quick sale on the market. It’s free ISK!

The currency in EVE Echoes is EVE Echoes ISK, and players can use it to buy gear. Of course, it is a good choice for a novice player to obtain a bottleneck player. The road to fulfill the empire dream is more smooth. But considering the actual situation, players definitely want to use less money to Buy EVE Echoes ISK, which is very good. You can have the Cheap EVE Echoes ISK or others you need on MMOWTS. They not only have cheaper prices, but also have better services. This kind of experience is good.

I often get ACNH Nook miles Ticket at MMOWTS

#866401 willamqjw

Released on March 20, the charming life simulator was a relaxing escape for those stuck at home due to the Covid-19 pandemic, giving friends a way to stay connected during extraordinarily difficult times. To date, New Horizons has sold more than 26 million units worldwide, making it the second best-selling Switch title ever, behind Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. It’s likely to surpass even that record by the end of the year.

If players want to get Animal Crossing New Horizons Bells to accelerate their growth, they can find it on MMOWTS.They not only have cheaper prices, but also have better services. This kind of experience is good.In addition, there is the Nook Miles Ticket you want. I am also playing this game. This is a website I often browse. Not only do they have good prices, but they also have good service. Players may be online at different times and will have demand at different time periods, but you don't need to worry. Because they are online 24 hours a day, it would provide great convenience, wouldn't it?

Ha már Fitch:https://www…

#864294 TrendMan

Ha már Fitch:

"• Regarding metals demand, we note an upside risk to demand in the US should a massive renewable infrastructure bill be passed under Biden and a Democratic-controlled Congress."

Én ezt úgy értem, hogy Biden győzelme jó lehet - ha nem is elsősorban az aranynak, de pl. az ezüstnek.

Arany: hinta vagy palinta?

#857162 TrendMan

Nem látom be, hogy innen hogyan menne még feljebb?

Elvileg, mint menekülő eszköz, ha nő a para, akkor az feljebb kellene, hogy vigye.

Viszont, ha nőtt a para, akkor az utóbbi időben mindig innen vontak ki pénz a befektetők azért, hogy a rv-piaci veszteségeiket fedezni tudják és az arany beesett.

Vajon hogyan lehet it út még 1700 fölé?

Én most inkább azon a véleményen vagyok, hogy megy ismét le 1500 felé.
