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putler jövője

Spade Előzmény: #1495177

na figyuka érdekesség hátha felfogod, sztem nem

The late US Senator John McCain once called Russia a “gas station
masquerading as a country” and the fact that Russia’s nominal GDP is
about the same as Italy’s has long been used to dismiss it as

.However, economists have long argued that considering only
Russia’s nominal GDP of around $2 trillion is to underestimate its
economic strength. Arguably, the belittling of Russia over the last
decade has led Western leaders to badly miscalculate how vulnerable the Kremlin is to sanctions.

Looking at GDP in PPP (purchasing power parity) terms removes price level differences and allows a better comparison, especially of living standards, between countries.

In these terms Russia has just overtaken Germany to become the fifth wealthiest economy in the world and the largest in Europe, worth $5.3 trillion."

The PPP valuation of the economy works because the ruble equivalent of $1 can buy a lot more than $1 can buy in the US, something the Economist captured with its famous Big Mac Index: currently a Big Mac costs $5.15 in the US and the Russian equivalent (McDonalds was taken over by a Russian analogue last year and has since become the fast food market leader) cost $2.44 in July.

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