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tozsdenyul Előzmény: #827050

"About 95% of the population has at least basic health insurance coverage. Despite this, public health insurance generally only covers about half of medical costs, with the proportion lower for serious or chronic illnesses. Under the "Healthy China 2020" initiative, China is currently undertaking an effort to cut healthcare costs, and the government requires that insurance will cover 70% of costs by the end of 2018.[1][2][2] The Chinese government is working on providing affordable basic healthcare to all residents by 2020"

"Residents of urban areas are not provided with free healthcare, and must either pay for treatment or purchase health insurance. The quality of hospitals varies. The best medical care in China is available in foreign-run or joint venture Western-style medical facilities with international staff available in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and a few other large cities. They are highly expensive; treatment there can often cost up to ten times more than a public hospital"

"However, the primary care in China is not developed as well as excepted. The main barrier is the shortages and low quality of health professionals"

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